His upper torso is consumed now, his neck, and now stretching across his face and skull.
[HP:100][ME:100][PE:100][Wealth: zero][7am]
You have been KILLED!!
[HP:100][ME:111][PE:100][Wealth: zero][7am]
So that's the end of the 3 years or so of kirlin. It's been a lot of fun, definately during the start of him because his main purpose was to be a drug deal when I created after a year or so break.
He ended up joining the druids on a whim and it was my first time ever dealing with the cabal at all. He took over eventually and did what he could to be a good leader though he never really wanted it and tried to pass it off when he thought someone could handle it. He did a lot in his time and saw a lot of interesting things and learned a lot along the way.
i'd like to give my thanks to everyone who plays because I'm sure I've interacted with everyone here and there and if I didn't i'm sorry but I'd still like to thank you.
I might do more backstory if it's wanted and as for stats...Max str, dex, con, charisma, dumb as a rock and clever. 7 or 8 HP trains and max move trains or close to it.