Shattered Kingdoms

Dermos Vladier, Crusader of Light - Vigilant Captain
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Author:  mundufisen [ Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Dermos Vladier, Crusader of Light - Vigilant Captain

Guess I'm following Berr here.

Felt completely useless and didn't really enjoy it. Few priests, and like 0 active lighty sorc's made enchanting anything a pain. Dying to huge gank squads was also a deterrent from wanting to play a mercenary who could do absolutely nothing against it. Spent 90% of my time on this character with 0 allies around while 10 enemies were around. Grew bored of it quickly.

Author:  velmor [ Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dermos Vladier, Crusader of Light - Vigilant Captain

Well dang man saw it coming with how the game is. Good luck with the next.

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