Shattered Kingdoms

[HEl Hel][FEA][MDN][LGN][HRO] Athyero Xapha, Knightlord.
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Author:  jerinx [ Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  [HEl Hel][FEA][MDN][LGN][HRO] Athyero Xapha, Knightlord.

Came back to SK for some gaming comfort food, and to try to re-find my RP groove for DMing a tabletop game. I tripped over a character I really appreciated. Athyero was my second character back, and an effort at a more grounded hellion of tyranny. Maybe only the second character I've age deathed, so why not do an afterlife post? He deserves it.

I know I'm trash for only having it in me to be able to play him (seasonally?), but I tried to leave it all on the field when I did. I also played a ton of alts in trying to find different voices for different characters for my tabletops. The tabletop fades in and out, but it's still fun to poke around SK. Thank you to literally everyone who RP'ed with me, and tries to keep the lights on around here. SK might be in twilight still, but it's fun to play if you're earnest.

Shoutout to Thuban who was really cool in offering a knightlord statue for him when I was working out leadership flags for retirement. I think that it ended up a succinct vibe summary of how I hoped I played him as a character - earnest with some sinister through-lines.

A statue of Athyero Xapha wrote:
This statue of a half-elven man is crafted of dark brown marble, streaked with vibrant veins of rich golden stone. He has a portrait-perfect coif of short-cropped hair, framing a short nose and modest jawline. Jade, nearly luminescent in depth of color, has been embedded in his eyes and in the raven filigree on his ceremonial Imperial plate. A black tome is held in his left hand, and a ceremonial pike is balanced in his right. A proud smile crosses his face, and how many teeth he has seems to eerily change based on viewing angle with some trick of the sculptor.

A bronze plate is secured to the based of the statue, etched with an emulation of flowing hand-written script.

"If you grow too weary, the droughts go too long: let us have you. We will keep you.

In honorable service,
At. Xapha, Knightlord"

Author:  Bones [ Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [HEl Hel][FEA][MDN][LGN][HRO] Athyero Xapha, Knightlord.

Aethas couldn't have received a more fitting rival. On the surface, the similarities between their personalities were uncanny. Like staring into a smoky mirror of what could have been one way or the other. Athyero was a character that told a story and that's rare these days. We need more of that.

His final moments were immediately placed among some of my favorite sk memories and I was glad to be tapped to be a part of it. I'm not really sure what you had originally planned for that but for me it was memorable to say the very least.

Well played.

Author:  Morovik [ Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [HEl Hel][FEA][MDN][LGN][HRO] Athyero Xapha, Knightlord.

Very few but always enjoyable interractions. Always knew that if I would enjoy high quality Roleplay from Athyero.
Keep up the good job and I hope to see more of you.

Author:  TacoRobot [ Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [HEl Hel][FEA][MDN][LGN][HRO] Athyero Xapha, Knightlord.

Always a pleasure. :drunk:

Athyero was probably the only Imperial I think Ildyra ever took even remotely seriously.

Author:  Dilfi [ Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [HEl Hel][FEA][MDN][LGN][HRO] Athyero Xapha, Knightlord.

Fun to play with on so many characters. I was always glad to see your name on the who list.

Author:  Tragonis [ Fri Feb 14, 2025 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [HEl Hel][FEA][MDN][LGN][HRO] Athyero Xapha, Knightlord.

Always a pleasure. Well done.

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