evena wrote:
You would rather lie to him and let him run into unexpected grief at a later date, when he might actually feel like he's wasted time? With all this talk about player courtesy, you'd think that maybe we could extend some.
Most of the people clamoring for "fresh blood" are in fact vampires who must
consume it to survive. They'll complain about playcounts and, in the same breath, shun or deceive a newbie. SK has a policy of sweeping dirt under the rug, though: from reviews removed from the Top Mud Sites, to General Discussion being unviewable by unregistered members, to the various circumstances surrounding immortal dismissal over the years. Can you really blame people for sticking with a game that's administered in a way they administer themselves?
Any newcomer should be warned about the fact that the Golden Rule is a rule of entitlement, not a rule of protection, in this game. It's pretty much like a very time-consuming version of Old Maid. Whoever is unable to pass their received grief along to someone else is the only loser.
The fact that even I noticed this three months into playing the game, after earning a paragon title and leadership and pretty much doing everything you could in SK other than grief excessively and hoard loot, only lends confidence to my assertions.