dalamar wrote:
grep wrote:
When we read the words "structured plan," there's a worryling closed-ended nature to it. So I guess that's where people like meztiso might be feeling left out: a plan was, in fact, made. She wasn't part of the meeting. But some people, through various GRP opportunities, manage to get their feet in the door.
If there is in fact a plan, sharing it might help people come up with ideas that you guys don't have to keep shooting down.
Now youre just trolling. Read HELP GODS.
It is clearly visible right there, and available to all players, just as it has been for years.
Players have the ability to impact and change a great many things. The structure of the pantheon is not one of those things. Even the most open-ended games still need a structured environment in which to work and play. The makeup of the pantheon has never been open to change by the playerbase, has always been the realm of the immstaff, and the concept of the static pantheon was decided by the game implementor in the 90's and rolled out over time by the immstaff, who often created RP events to roll them out for the purpose of creating events that the playerbase could actively play and take part in.
This is hardly restrictive or unfair or limiting of anybody's RP, and to expect otherwise is quite frankly ridiculous and selfishly absurd. If you cannot accept that a game world framework exists within which to write your story, then it sounds like you cannot ever be satisfied with anything short of absolute authority, in which case it sounds like SK isn't the game you want to play, but some other game built and designed solely by yourself.
I think I've been more than fair in the time I've already taken here to explain things, and all that's really left to say is if you don't like it-- tough.
It is what it is.
Not trolling. Making the valid point that private designs feel like cliques to outsiders, and by extension, newcomers. If people are encouraged to plan, but the plans they must work within remain hidden, it's a guessing game.
What's absurd is expecting people to enjoy being handed pre-planned events just because someone else has put some time into them. There's a difference between writing, worldbuilding, storytelling, and roleplay. Frankly, it just sounds like more of the pre-planned, practically scripted kind of roleplay I got whenever I was near Kura. There was always a feeling that there's a word document with everything meaningful that's going to happen ready to be copy-pasted in, and I'm just there to read it and react to it. That's the impression.
If this isn't limiting, then why are people shot down for ideas? That's a shizophrenic claim right up there with "any color you want as long as its black." Charming, but false.
Dissent isn't trolling. Discourse shouldn't be trolling.
Not being interested in whether people like what you like doing is certainly one way to approach being a creative force of authority in a social environment. I can't say it's ever been found to be a very successful one.