Shattered Kingdoms

Grey aura characters following dark gods
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Author:  Summ97 [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Grey aura characters following dark gods

This seems to be a common trend of late; a grey aura character following a dark faith strictly to bypass aura based spells.

Now, while I can see a grey aura character (laity) once in a blue moon following a dark god, there's currently an epidemic. Today I came across a grey aura priest of Sargas. An evil god's mortal voice is only grey. Obviously this is only to bypass spear of faith, holy word, and bolt of glory.

What, if anything, can be done about this?

Author:  juggernaut [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

IMO light and dark aura faith should NOT have CLERGY of gray aura. Period. Laity is fine, but clergy, nope.

Author:  soultoast [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Perhaps keep grey-aura'd characters from reaching HP/HF of light- or dark-aura religions, if there are any others who could be taking up the role.

That, or make grey-aura characters susceptible to BoG/HW/SoF of aura's different than those of the god they serve. Yes, that would mean that a grey serving a light-aura god would be vulnerable to grey and dark spells.

I really don't see problems with light- or dark-aura characters serving grey churches in any capacity. I don't see why grey-aura charcters should not be allowed to serve certain faiths -- mainly those without H/P flags -- but they shouldn't be the definitive voice of said faiths.

This has always been an annoying tactic. I think a more suitable solution would be to disallow grey-aura's from the Adepts and MC, because that would neutralize a lot more of the problem than messing with religions.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just to counter our Spanish god of spotting things (soultoast), I don't allow nor have ever inducted a grey aura character into the Adepts. I've been asked if I'd allow it but I don't see me changing my policy--ever.

Author:  soultoast [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ardith wrote:
Just to counter our Spanish god of spotting things (soultoast), I don't allow nor have ever inducted a grey aura character into the Adepts. I've been asked if I'd allow it but I don't see me changing my policy--ever.

Well, then, depending on the eventual face-lift of the NW, I'd have to extend the same rule to CoN. ;)

Author:  Guest [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't see any problem with a grey aura character playing a priest of Sargas. It all depends on how you portray yourself - I can think of a number of scenarios where it would be better to play a grey alignment.

That said, it's likely that people are playing grey aura characters to bypass alignment-attacking spells. I'm simply playing the devil's advocate.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

soultoast wrote:
Well, then, depending on the eventual face-lift of the NW, I'd have to extend the same rule to CoN. ;)

I'm not in charge of the Council of Necromancers. You'll have to [REDACTED] at the respective leaders and tell them why you want to enforce your PoV on their cabal.

Author:  Fepel Veiled [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can see greys being accepted into any faith, to what degree of favor they recieve can be questionable; however, it depends on how they service the faith and how that specific faith accepts greys.

Sargas as an example:
Conflict is the Glory of the Soul. The Weak are beneath Contempt.
Mercy is for the Weak in both its giving and receipt; Honor and the
gift of Death is for the truly worthy foe. Conquest is resolution
and second to the conflict that glorifies His name. It is by such
lessons that The Smiter expects his Chosen to extend his Dominion
throughout these realms.
Such tenants inspire His priests, and draw His followers to the dark

help anarchist
Anarchist characters tend to be the most adventurous and fun-loving people
around.  They have a devil-may-care attitude, and will go to any lengths to
make life happier and more pleasurable for themselves, often forgetting
about the consequences.  They tend to be blind to the world around them,
concentrating more on self-gratification and self-indulgence, and thus,
ending up following only the laws that make sense to them.  Although
friendly, they frequently prioritize their own pleasure above another's
well being.

I honestly could see a person who is an anarch to throw themselves into the faith of Sargas on a whim, and if it served them well, to continue as time progressed. The moment that the situation became hardpressing I would see them bailing unless they became honestly pulled into the faith and felt it in their best interest to stay with the faith. Would this be appropriate for a member of the clergy to do this? I don't know... I would have to say it would be a case by case thing, and to make a blanket statement would be inappropriate.


As for disallowing greys and lighties from the MC, that is an foolish statement. The MC isn't about Evil, it's not about conquest or oppression. The MC is about service to the Emperor. This can mean oppressive actions, or an expansive martial view on Pyrathia, but it is not "evil".

I could honestly see a scrupulous person in the MC, as a loyalist to his homeland. IRL's view on things see slavery as an evil, but if you are brought up with it every day it's impact becomes less an evil, especially if you feel it a necessary deterent to crime. It would be an interesting character who would no doubt be full of inner strife but it is possible.

Just my two copper.

Author:  Forsooth [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

('d agree with Fepel in general - but priests should be held to a higher standard, IMO. They're supposed to be devoted to their god's service. Conscientious roleplay of an alignment that doesn't mesh with their god's commands should get them reduced to ash.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't see anywhere in the Empire where there is sole devotion to the Emperor.

Sure some dipshits may have worshipped the Emperor at one point but from what a newb would gather from the help files the Empire is a pretty bad zone to be in.

I also don't really give a rat's [REDACTED] about how other leaders run their cabals. They can bolster it to whatever heights they want or ruin it however they want.

Grey aura is only effective against paladin anyway. Anybody else can still tear a grey aura apart. So whatever.

Summ just happens to play a paladin (by the way, with all the boosts that paladin's got, stuff I never got to play with when I had my own paladin, I don't think you should be bitching much about them). You just can't be a god at everything!

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