ObjectivistActivist wrote:
Clearly this turned into a gripe about the static nature of SK's alignment system. No, SK doesn't "have it backwards." SK has it's particular kind of morality system, which is different than others, and provides hard cut offs for particular kinds of actions. I.E., light aura players cannot kill light aura NPCs and PCs.
PC alignments don't get changed by the staff. If you violate your alignment in order to effect a "transition" you'll be punished for alignment violation, since that is against the rules. It's not "backwards," it's static. Your character's morality is in-born. It's not something you can change or hide or act against.
Auras are just a physical manifestation of the ethos of your character, and alignment provides a specific guideline for what is and is not acceptable behavior to a character with that ethos. Therefore, the morality determines beliefs and actions, much as it is in real life. It's not a senseless choice at character creation that predestines the character; it's a meaningful choice at character creation about the core ethics of the character which colors and guides all decisions down the line.
Anyways, I'm done with the discussion. I've said it countless times before, there are games with fluid alignment systems and those with static alignment systems. Both have their specific realm of enjoyment and I can appreciate the game with either. If you can't handle or enjoy a static alignment system, SK is not the game for you.
Clearly I didn't express myself well, or you misunderstood. I'm talking about the OP's subject being backwards: They said more or less: What makes an aura in SK, is it the actions we take or the causes we take up in those actions.
And as I said, it's the other way around. The aura/ethos/alignment (whatever you call it) is the decision, and the actions/choices/causes derive from that.
I'm hoping my post wasn't -that- unclear but maybe it was.
You know what. I reread my comment and it's really not a case where
Clearly this turned into a gripe about the static nature of SK's alignment system.
not even the least bit.
Yes, it expresses familiarty of other systems (and criticisms of them). Yes it expresses a preferencial style of system.
But no where is there any advocacy of change, no where is their complaint about the current system or any uncertainty about how it works. Just for the record.