Is it, or is it not against the rules to kill newbies with little to no reason?
I've read logs or witnessed three examples of newbie killing in less than a week: Random and/or unnecessary killing of people who are both low-level and legitimately new to the game. Two of those situations involved killing the same newbie, and that newbie is probably not coming back because of this.
Help Rules wrote:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This isnt an
abstract concept in Shattered Kingdoms. This rule has tangible
caveats you are responsible for following that include, but are not
limited to:
-Respect the fact that other players are here to enjoy the game as well.
-Out of character harassment will not be tolerated.
-Gear your roleplay to be inclusive of other players. This
means many things, but for example: you need to roleplay before
killing, even if your character is diabolical and insane.
-Be patient and respectful when dealing with newbies. Take time
to make sure they understand what is going on before treating
them harshly, even if they would seem to deserve it. Without
newbies, the game eventually dies.
Is there at least something in the works for this? I haven't seen any postings in the punishments board yet.