Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  tanxia [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Xareth

Yes, it's me again. :oops:

While doing more research, I came across Xareth as being an early incarnation of Marfik. There was no help file on him, though he is mentioned in both Marfik's and Yigg's files.

Is there more information someone can give me, or is there a book somewhere?

Thanks (again)

P.S. Don't be suprised if another topic comes up when I come across another name I can't find information on. :D

Author:  three_sixteen [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Xareth

tanxia wrote:
Yes, it's me again. :oops:

While doing more research, I came across Xareth as being an early incarnation of Marfik. There was no help file on him, though he is mentioned in both Marfik's and Yigg's files.

Is there more information someone can give me, or is there a book somewhere?

Thanks (again)

P.S. Don't be suprised if another topic comes up when I come across another name I can't find information on. :D

Buy the Usilard.

Author:  The_Schizoid [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 9:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wish I had been around to find the Star of Xareth. :devil:

Author:  Ammatai [ Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

If he was one of the Imms building Teron like eight years back I knew him in RL.

Got me on this mud.

I mentioned rifting into not yet done Teron to him and later got a pat down by Dulrik himself I believe to make sure my character didn't have anything from there he shouldn't.

At the time he seemed to be spending all his time on Teron.

I didn't remember his Imm name till I came across it in another thread. Came upon this post in a subsequent search.

Author:  Sadr (2009) [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Xareth

Yup, Xareth was the builder who originally made the city of Teron and the Necropolis. Back then, as a Chaos god, he was one of the two deities who sponsored hellions (the other being Lorani).

...I was guilty of the same, rifting into the then incomplete city of Teron and experimenting with the items there (about nine years ago, I think).

Author:  Ammatai [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Xareth

You remember a drow Hellion named Cane from that time? I think I was third in rank in the Midnight Council which I believe had just started up.

The mud had been in beta or in rebuild and officially closed but I got in as guest and was able to rename my character somehow or something. Helped me get off to a stronger start when the mud officially opened a few weeks later.

I only remember four mortals from that time.

A drow reincarnated to human Hellion who headed the Midnight Council named I believe Elhanon. He helped me quite a bit understand the differences in roleplay expected in the world as compared to other muds.

A drow priest in a different cabal possibly named Sarkazein.

A younger Hellion that was learning the ropes some still.

A female shaman whom we hung out with at times that found my Scourge of the Ancients after I had my arm lopped off. Had a "fun" roleplay intimidating her to give me my Scourge back. I had issues at the time fully getting that she was just roleplaying herself as selfish.

Also someone who brought me before a female diety for justice for "dueling" so many citizens of Exile. Was given a quest by her to help find the Taslamaran Queen which I thought was immensely funny being loyal to the Empire of the Sun.

Sadr wrote:
Yup, Xareth was the builder who originally made the city of Teron and the Necropolis. Back then, as a Chaos god, he was one of the two deities who sponsored hellions (the other being Lorani).

...I was guilty of the same, rifting into the then incomplete city of Teron and experimenting with the items there (about nine years ago, I think).

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