You utter the words, 'uoculoihuyl'.
This is a sturdy naginata, a medium steel weapon, weighing approximately
15 lbs. The weapon is a two-handed naginata. It is of poor quality and is
worth approximately 56 silver.
You utter the words, 'uoculoihuyl'.
This is a guisarme-voulge, a medium steel weapon, weighing approximately
21 lbs. The weapon is a two-handed glaive. It is of average quality and is
worth approximately 140 silver.
A sturdy naginata looks more accurate than a guisarme-voulge.
A sturdy naginata looks more lethal than a guisarme-voulge.
A sturdy naginata looks faster than a guisarme-voulge.
Poor item same material, no enchancts compares better than something of average, same quality etc. This wrong or just me?