Adder wrote:
Dulrik wrote:
Not really true. In that situation, damage is still applied to the main body.
Lies. Every time i fight a duel to stun i see crazy stuff happening. A giant will be doing like 5-15% per hit on me, no matter where on my body. Then he'll mangle my arm and hit it twice for 0%, or something like that.
Are you -sure- it works?
This is an artifact of how the health system works. You have a generic hit point pool plus multiple additional hit point pools corresponding to each body part. You die when either the first critical part is destroyed or your generic pool is depleted. Your percentage always reflects the health total of the lowest pool. If someone starts beating on another part that is less wounded, it will look like you aren't taking damage until that part catches up. However, your general pool takes damage from a hit to any location. So no matter what, you are still taking damage. It sounds a little confusing, but it's a lot better for it to sometimes appear like you aren't taking damage than for you to suddenly die when you thought you had 50% health remaining.