Dulrik wrote:
Ardith wrote:
If these changes are implemented mirror image will be useless.
Which proposed version are you referring to? If it's the one where an AOE wipes out all images, I might agree. If it's the one where AOE just damages you and leaves all your images, I'm not convinced.
Mirror image should not protect you against these spells, but the mirror images should not disappear. Hitting the spell caster is fine, but destroying the spell would make area affect magic (which is already extremely powerful in it's own right against mages who already have low hp) overpowered.
As to a reason why the images wouldn't disappear, I'll quote a good source of material for how this spell should work:
"Figments (images) seem to react normally to area spells (such as looking like they're burned or dead after being hit by a fireball)"
Enough said I think.