This still needs to be looked at please.
A circle of stones
rvv/---/f Not far from the city of Teron, this small clearing is home
rv/yyyyff to the renowned portal stones, of which several scatter the
#--*yyyF realms. Brave souls have been known to utilize the arcane power
#rryyyyFf that is bound to the stones, travelling to far lands in the blink
|yprrrrrf of an eye. A path leads west through the fields, directly to the
city gate. It's mostly clear, mild, and very, very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
A set of rune-inscribed stones frame the center of the clearing here.
[HP: 26%] [ME: 67%] [PE:100%]
> w
You walk west.
The access road
vrvv/---/ A field of lush green grass has grown up in this spot, marked
vrv/yyyyf here and there by thistles and heather. Occasionally one can spy
# #-*?yyy a bird's nest hidden in the fields or a gopher hole. You are
y#rryyyyF walking along a tiny worn trail. It's mostly clear, mild, and
p|yprrrrr very, very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
[HP: 26%] [ME: 67%] [PE: 98%]
> w
You walk west.
You step into a snare and are suddenly pulled off your feet!
A clanging bell announces that a snare has been set off.
You cut yourself free.
The access road
vvrvv/--- A field of lush green grass has grown up in this spot, marked
\vrv/yyyy here and there by thistles and heather. Occasionally one can spy
y# #*-?yy a bird's nest hidden in the fields or a gopher hole. You are
yy#rryyyy walking along a tiny worn trail. It's mostly clear, mild, and
pp|yprrrr very, very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
[HP: 26%] [ME: 67%] [PE: 96%]
> w
You are caught in a snare and can't move!
[HP: 26%] [ME: 67%] [PE: 96%]
Wasn't caught in two, just one.