A dark stone room dominated by a massive fountain
Set atop a large lightly raised pedestal bathed from its underside in
red light, a spouting black fountain dominates the room. The same grey
speckled stone that formed the area around you continues to do so, except
for the etched dull obsidian that makes up the fountain. Gouts of water
fire towards the ceiling before landing with a splash, half in the basin and
half in the floor. If examined closely the spillwater can be seen carrying
loosened dry algae along with the water into the base of the fountain.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
The severed finger of a dwarven acolyte is here.
A massive fountain is here spraying water, lit with an eerie red glow, high into the air.
(Charmed) A silver-winged pegasus stands here looking majestic.
A dwarven acolyte is mortally wounded.
A dark-skinned dwarven acolyte is here.
A dark-skinned dwarven acolyte is here.
A dark-skinned dwarven acolyte is here.
[HP: 25][ME: 76][PE: 64][4am]
A dwarven acolyte is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
[HP: 25][ME: 76][PE: 64][4am]
kill acol
You slash a dwarven acolyte's chest. A dwarven acolyte falls on his knees and collapses.
A dwarven acolyte is DEAD!!
A dwarven acolyte's finger is skillfully severed from his hand.
You get a single gold coin from a corpse of a dwarven acolyte.
You get 5 silver coins from a corpse of a dwarven acolyte.
You get 3 copper coins from a corpse of a dwarven acolyte.
You junk a corpse of a dwarven acolyte.
[HP: 25][ME: 76][PE: 64][4am]
A dwarven acolyte utters the words, 'pabraw'.
You scream in agony as your body is shredded! Everything goes dark...
You have been KILLED!!

So, killing him let him cast the spell he'd attempted casting before getting his teeth kicked in. Is this
supposed to happen?