So spirit horde is claiming to knock people down, but it seems to not actually be doing it at times. Perhaps the spell just needs to be fixed to not output that final line of text if it doesn't actually knock them down.

A thoughtful-looking priest starts to concentrate.
Overall, a thoughtful-looking priest has quite a few wounds.
[HP: 93%] [ME: 56%] [PE: 98%]
You utter the words, 'gsufuh pafoculo'.
Your spirit allies burst forth from your aura in a mighty horde.
A thoughtful-looking priest howls in despair as the horde screams curses upon him.
The ferocity of the spirit horde knocks a thoughtful-looking priest to the ground.
[HP: 93%] [ME: 52%] [PE: 98%]
Your freezing bite burns a thoughtful-looking priest's chest.
Your freezing bite burns a thoughtful-looking priest's chest.
Overall, a thoughtful-looking priest has some big nasty wounds and scratches.
[HP: 93%] [ME: 52%] [PE: 98%]
A thoughtful-looking priest utters the words, 'aue'.