Mortal |
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:54 am Posts: 613
SK Character: Caric
If you change to Cmud or something of the similar there is a quick solution. A button called Parsing language click it or Ctrl + R to disable it to enter the alias/description etc then again to re enable afterwards. Some clients have @ or . as a special which can make the description editor a pain. Most clients will have a special that you can put in front of other specials as well for example in Zmud ~ will make the next askey be what ever it is not what ever the code expects it to be. This is what Grep was trying to do with the \ command. Example of this would be in his blink alias test blink~;blink~;blink the client would see that and send to the game alias test blink;blink;blink. This is the same reason people can have a lot of trouble setting up sound/capture triggers for tribunal cabal chat as [] are often specials.