I also just happened to notice in my first log that the Nyogatha never ended up targeting me in the next round of combat, he stayed on the pet.
I'm not so sure now that it's a targeting issue anymore. What I think is happening is the target has a script to turn aggressive after being attacked once, so if you flee it's suppose to attack you when you return. When the NPC gets stunned or put into the prone position from bash, trip, and so on it's triggering the script to turn aggressive, but the NPC can't attack anything because it is stuned and stuck in the prone position.
It also seems to me that the NPC is trying to react after being stuned due to the aggressive script, since the mummy attacked me right after being almost killed when the script fired, and the nyogatha quit spaming after the initial bash stun wore off and it could get to my pet. Thus, I feel it's an issue with the aggressive script firing while stun and prone rather then a targeting problem.
I don't feel it's a targeting or reach problem simply because of the reasons listed above and also after the bash stun wore off in my first log, the Nyogatha attacked my horse again while I was also in the front row, and it could have easily hit me instead.