Are we 8 years old again and all super-curious about the Guiness Book of World Records so we can measure min-maxes and figure out what is and is not realistic? Here I thought the point of a fantasy game is to absorb an alternative logic, not logically derive what is and is not logical, with all our unbeknownst bias of past experience apparent. Especially when "fighting" one should be interpreting less with the verbal mind and more with the imagination of space and time. I ask how can this indeed BE logical? There is at least one SK member with real-life fencing experience (not me). It seems to me that an enhanced parry would block with the flat of the blade and then followup the pushing-back force or absorption of that maneuver with an attack stemming from the wrist. The wrist would turn the weapon sideways to block and then simultaneously flick as the shoulder cradle, abdomen, and tricep tense and release, perhaps. So it is less about the cutting and edge of the blade as it is the opportunity to strike, and therefore able to be dodged. I also don't find that if I was to punch a piece of thin metal turned sideways that it would do much damage to my knuckles, especially so wearing adamantite claws or gloves or hands trained Bruce Lee-style.