Chem wrote:
Achernar wrote:
Yeah fatigue is kinda broken right now. So... be careful about your herb usage or you might be killed by a healing spell. I'm pretty sure Dulrik will have to fix this.
I think the last part would be pretty obvious..... only a moron would leave such a bug in play... oh wait.
There you hit Dulrik, and calling Dulrik a moron is basically insulting the entire staff, considering that he appoints them. (Oh, and Alshain doesn't count because everybody rips on him.)
Although I'm not sure if you're playing or not, I've gotten the general feeling over the years that you didn't, and just posted on the forums occasionally, every now and then threatening to return. And the fact that you pounced on the opening given by Achernar within the hour gave me the mental picture of a guy who listens in on conversations only to interject random "Your mom" jokes whenever possible. I'm not digging through your recent posts to justify what I consider a funny, yet still insulting flame.