Achernar wrote:
We hear you Gilgon. We're just not sure why we would make it possible to banish someone off of the who list without any reason.
Then make it illegal to banish someone off of the who list without any reason, just like it's illegal to summon kill someone off the who list without any reason. I still don't understand why this suddenly equals BANISH IS UNFAIR.
All that needs to change is for players to be able to banish/deathmark enemies who have committed no "crimes" in their nation. If you think this is too easily abused, then let leaders of tribunals submit to immortals their reasons for banishing a player ICly.
Of course, you have already heard all of these arguments. I sent a lengthy email to Dulrik in regards to this and I was ignored, I wrote a post in the leader forums about this and I was told no change would be made. Fine.
I guess I will just have to continue my legacy of cabal relic grabbing and playing CRS the way it was intended to infuriate the playerbase in the meantime