Muktar wrote:
Jhorleb read what I wrote. If an archer in a cabal shoots a hellion from one murder hole successfully and then moves to another murder hole, does he need to make another save. Answer: yes. Same exact thing, if it moves that once *a* party member goes into combat with anyone in the group, cabal defense will have 1/3 of the defender's group in the murderholes doing whatever they want to the hellion's group.
So, my question is this. I'm a spellcaster in a group defending the keep. Everyone but me leaves to go battle the invaders while they are engaged with the outside guardian. My group engages, does that mean I have free reign to go to each murder hole and cast an aggressive spell someone in the hellion's group, without making an intimidate check?
I'm afraid everything you wrote is irrelevant, because intimidate doesn't affect people outside of the room. People already can do this, Muktar, and it's not a bug. I can't help but shake the feeling we're having entirely different conversations. I'm sorry that I can't find a way to clarify it better for you.