Shattered Kingdoms

Mirror Image
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Author:  Joran Tulelan [ Tue May 03, 2005 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Mirror Image

More mirror image bugs.

Firstly, I have noticed the spell blindness completely ignores mirror image. Not sure if this is ment or not ment to happen.

 Obvious exits: n e(closed) w rift
     (Magical) A magical rift is glowing violently in the mid-air.
You are flying here.
You are flying here.
You are flying here.
You are flying here.
You are flying here.
(Sanctuary) Arzatanus is here, minding the Apse.
A legionnaire stands here.
A legionnaire corporal is here on duty.
A legionnaire stands here.
A legionnaire corporal is here on duty.
A legionnaire sergeant is here, surveying his surroundings.

 [HP: 100%] [ME:  16%] [PE:  97%] [Coins: zero]

A robed male human soars in from the north.
A wight soars in from the north.
A wight darts in from the north.
A wight soars in from the north.
A magma mephit soars in from the north.
A zombie soars in from the north.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  16%] [PE:  97%] [Coins: zero]

A robed male human starts to concentrate.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  16%] [PE:  97%] [Coins: zero]

Arztanus walks north.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  16%] [PE:  97%] [Coins: zero]

Your disguise wears off.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  19%] [PE: 100%] [Coins: zero]

A robed male human utters the words, 'noselacri'.
You are blinded!
Your deadly wrath lightly hits someone's chest.
Your deadly wrath hits someone's head.
Your deadly wrath starts to melt someone's head.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  19%] [PE: 100%] [Coins: zero]

Another is this when I logged in.

Welcome to Shattered Kingdoms.
<room desc>

[HP: 100%] [ME: 100%] [PE: 100%] [Coins: zero]

A freckled male half-elf vanishes.
A freckled male half-elf vanishes.
A freckled male half-elf vanishes.
A freckled male half-elf vanishes.
A freckled male half-elf vanishes.

[HP: 100%] [ME: 100%] [PE: 100%] [Coins: zero]

<room desc>
(Charmed) A heavy imperial warhorse stands here, chaffing impatiently at the bit.
You are resting here.
You are resting here.
You are resting here.
You are resting here.
You are resting here.
A heavy imperial warhorse stands here, chaffing impatiently at the bit.

[HP: 100%] [ME: 100%] [PE: 100%] [Coins: zero]

Author:  Guest [ Tue May 03, 2005 1:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just about all maledictions ignore mirror image.

Author:  Salak [ Tue May 03, 2005 3:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ardith wrote:
Just about all maledictions ignore mirror image.

I've noticed this too. Dispel magic ignores it as well. I always thought mirror image was intended to deflect direct damage from spells and melee, but nothing more.

Author:  Dulrik [ Tue May 03, 2005 4:34 pm ]
Post subject: 


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