Shattered Kingdoms

Griffons and cure poison...
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Author:  allikat [ Sun May 15, 2005 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Griffons and cure poison...

> quaff dra

You feel less righteous.
You shiver and suffer.
Luckily, you are immune to that.

[HP: 77%] [ME:  1%] [PE:100%]
> You quaff a draught of sickness remedy.
You aren't ill.
Endrial says to a buxom female half-elf 'Thank you.'

[HP: 77%] [ME:  1%] [PE:100%]
A buxom female half-elf says 'Not sure if this is the right mix to help.'

[HP: 77%] [ME:  1%] [PE:100%]
> aff

 o [Affects] xxxxxxx                                                        o
 o Affect: 'poison' affecting strength                                       o
 o Affect: 'armor'                                                           o


Author:  JanDelay [ Sun May 15, 2005 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Griffons and cure poison...

allikat wrote:
> quaff dra

You feel less righteous.
You shiver and suffer.
Luckily, you are immune to that.

[HP: 77%] [ME:  1%] [PE:100%]
> You quaff a draught of sickness remedy.
You aren't ill.
Endrial says to a buxom female half-elf 'Thank you.'

[HP: 77%] [ME:  1%] [PE:100%]
A buxom female half-elf says 'Not sure if this is the right mix to help.'

[HP: 77%] [ME:  1%] [PE:100%]
> aff

 o [Affects] xxxxxxx                                                        o
 o Affect: 'poison' affecting strength                                       o
 o Affect: 'armor'                                                           o


The potion you quaffed cures disease and not poison. :wink:

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