I was tired last night as I was finishing up, and this happened. I've already reported it iccly as well. Let's see if any of you can think of an alternative to a bug, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is--
I came back to town, refilled all my water containers, and cleaned up my coin count at the bank. (Deposited all my silver and copper and turned it into platinum and gold.) Then I got thirsty, took my refilled canteen out of my cloak, drank, and refilled it in the Plaza. Immediately after refilling the canteen, I put it back in my cloak. After that, I went to several training schools in town and trained up some of my skills. At this point, I was running pretty low on cash, but I still had enough left to LEVEL on the cheap at the Newbie School with Sukra. I put my money in 1.sack and went there.
When I arrived and wanted to 'take all.coin from sack', I was informed that the 'sack' was no longer a container. I was not told that there was a hole in it, that it had worn out, or anything else plausible. I also never got a message that my coin had fallen out of the sack on the way to the school.
After that, I decided to check my other containers, too. Everything looked right, except my canteen, of all things, had disappeared from my cloak. Now, with the skill set I have currently, I should have been alerted if someone had succeeded in stealing such an item from me during the brief time it was out being refilled. Even if I am wrong about that, I can't believe anyone would bother.
First time anything this bizarre has happened to me. Anyone else experiencing similiar problems? Anyone have a clue what's going on?