Shattered Kingdoms

Couple trainers
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Author:  Baraka [ Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Couple trainers

Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You think I don't remember??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You thjnk I don'u remembes??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You uhink I dom't remembfr??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You tijol I don't rdmdmber??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You tijnj I con't remember??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You think I don't remember??  Gdt lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'Yov thimk I don's qememaer??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You think I don't remelber??  Get
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You thjnk I don't remember??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You think I don't renember??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster exclaims to you 'You think I don't remembfr??  Get lost!'
Patharael the Drillmaster says to you 'Snrry, I ban only help you to sraim your

Isn't once enough???

Author:  sleeper [ Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Duplication happens. ... Generally just kill the excess, or get an IMM to do it for you.


Author:  wargriffKendal [ Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  ...

There was the same problem with Nerina's judge NPC..

It was continually spamming the "Halt Lawbreaker" speech... hundreds and hundreds of times until you killed it/ recalled/ flee'd.

Author:  Dorr [ Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:39 am ]
Post subject: 

i think the trainer would say his lawbreaker speech as many times as he has skills to offer. So if he can teach you only one skill, he'll say it once. If he can teach you 10 skills, he'll scream it ten times.

Author:  teh1337n00b [ Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...

wargriffKendal wrote:
There was the same problem with Nerina's judge NPC..

It was continually spamming the "Halt Lawbreaker" speech... hundreds and hundreds of times until you killed it/ recalled/ flee'd.

I think he will repeat it each time he tried to bonk you on the head....
I did a raid on sith once, with a rather large group. The 3 law NPCs we run into, and the other 2 that spawned repeated the darn thing SO MANY TIMES, we all lagged to hell and back, and i got 9 ticks in sylvan tongue :oops:

Author:  fridgeraider [ Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sith guards are buggy like that. I had one crime and the NPC tried to kill me by spam.

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