Shattered Kingdoms

Trip Lag?
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Author:  Paladin656 [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Trip Lag?

[HP:100%] [ME: 57%] [PE: 44%]
You miss a failed squire.
A failed squire's feeble footwork is no match for your balance.
A failed squire misses you.
A failed squire slashes at your chest, barely scratching you.
Overall, a failed squire has a few scratches.

[HP: 94%] [ME: 57%] [PE: 44%]
You slash at a failed squire's right hand, cutting a small wound.
A failed squire tries to trip you but ends up tripping himself!
A failed squire slashes at your chest, causing only a minor wound.
A failed squire slashes your chest, cutting a small but painful wound.
Overall, a failed squire has a few scratches.

[HP: 88%] [ME: 57%] [PE: 44%]

I thought trip, succeed or fail was supposed to lag the tripper at least some?

Author:  Muktar [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't remember exactly but if they try to trip you and they just missed but did not fall over themselves there is no lag.

Author:  Morovik [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

immagine it like a foot-sweep he tried, you jumped why would he be lagged? besides, even if you succeed in triping you get no lag.

Author:  teh1337n00b [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

What are you talking about Morovik?
Trip XXX
combat round - lag
combat round - lag
de-laged on 3rd.

On which world you dont lag when tripping?? Lemme know i will join u.... :rant:

Author:  Morovik [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

the tripper does not get lagged.
the tripped one does
A failed squire's feeble footwork is no match for your balance.

this one is a failed trip but one as i explained above the squire should not be lagged there

A failed squire tries to trip you but ends up tripping himself!

this one will give the squire trip lag.

Author:  teh1337n00b [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

A succesfull trip lags you as well.

Author:  Morovik [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

You trip a ghoul and it goes down!
A ghoul is momentarily stunned as it hits the ground hard.

{HP: 98%} {ME:100%} {PE:100%}GD:zero The Center of the Structure
You slice a ghoul's mouth, knocking out a few of its teeth!
You slice at a ghoul's chest, DISEMBOWELING it!
You dodge a ghoul's attack.
A zombie misses you.
Overall, a ghoul has quite a few wounds.

{HP: 98%} {ME:100%} {PE:100%}GD:zero The Center of the Structure
A ghoul has already fallen.

if you mean the one round lag, then I agree. but then that does not apply at your log.

Author:  silmar [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

When you land a trip you only get one combat around of lag. Thats the whole reason trip is harder to land than a bash. If you miss a trip but dont trip yourself its the same. If you trip yourself its the same as being tripped the lag is about the same as being bashed.

Author:  Guest [ Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:03 am ]
Post subject: 

You guys are idiots.

I swear.

I really do.

Author:  TheIceHellion [ Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:29 am ]
Post subject: 

A failed squire's feeble footwork is no match for your balance.

And this....
XXX's bash knocks the wind out of YYY/
Without the "slams into blah and sends them sprawling Do not lag the person they are used on, And they don't lag the person who used it either.

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