Alright, Here I am cooly walking through the jungle nearly dead picking up herbs to calm down after a rough training session in the chancel when I came across a jaguar that attacks me.
So I think, Oh its cool I can stop it by taming...
A jaguar scratches at your right arm, ripping flesh as if it were butter!
You sure are BLEEDING!
[HP: 19%] [ME:100%] [PE: 56%]
> tame jag
A jaguar misses you.
A jaguar scratches at your chest, causing a gaping wound!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A jaguar dodges your attack.
Overall, a jaguar is in excellent condition.
[HP: 16%] [ME:100%] [PE: 56%]
> A jaguar stops halfway through its attack and looks at you oddly.<--- Stops attacking
A jaguar scratches at your stomach, smashing a deep gash.<--- Attacks me again
You sure are BLEEDING!
I'm no master of taming, but I thought that taming an animal while its attacking you or another stops its attack until they walk out and back in again?
And yes it did stop attacking because I didn't get an attack that turn or see its condition.
So if they are not meant to attack again, is this a bug?
Or are they meant to attack again straight away after you tame them?