Enishi wrote:
I think the way rallying cry is explained in the helpfile is that it's not just a really inspiring yell or something. The merc in question uses his knowledge of combat and tactics to direct people better for a little while. It kinda makes sense that a furied barb, lacking some higher reasoning skills in his enraged frenzy, isn't gonna process orders that well.
I'm going to have to disagree with that. And I think the perfect example would be Theoden rallying the Rohirrim before charging down the fields of Pelennor. That is what a rallying cry is. It even says it in the description of the affects, it's a morale bonus, which in battle is more of a raw effect then being calculating and thinking things through.
Basically when the mercenary gives out his cry it is to be a sudden spark of enthusiasm, a sudden jolt of electricity meant to encourage those that are fighting with you. So you're really just screaming out some really inspiring things, not a "chop that guy's arm off, to prevent him from using his weapon".