Shattered Kingdoms

Bounty NPCs inside the temple in Cain Techt?
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Author:  Muktar [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Bounty NPCs inside the temple in Cain Techt?

An Arched Alcove
  Standing on a small landing off of a large open space, you find passage
to the east blocked by an enormous block of stone, which seamlessly joins
with the walls and low arched ceiling above your head.  A long, slender
bridge arcs across a small chasm to the west, and on the far side stands
the twin arched alcove to the one you're in currently.  It sits within a
sandstone wall which stretches a good distance upward, before disappearing
into a roof of bedrock.
Obvious exits: w door
     A stone key lies here.
     The sliced-off arm of a golem is lying here.
     You can make out the outline of a huge stone door in the wall.
A golden male griffon is here, seeking wrongdoers.
****** is here.
**** walks in from the west.
A golden male griffon exclaims 'Halt, lawbreaker!'
A golden male griffon exclaims 'You shall pay for your crimes!'
A golden male griffon claws your chest, cutting a small but painful wound.

I edited out the names for anonimity. Otherwise, WTF? What are they doing inside the temple?

Author:  Dark-Avenger [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's flagged as a law area in Zhenshi. I remember this happening for at least 2 years now.

Author:  Muktar [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is this suppose to happen or is a bug? That is why I didn't bug log it.

Author:  Goldlantern [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Because there's no possible way Angels and golems can protect themselves. [/sarcasm]

Author:  Fepel Veiled [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I bugged/typoed this back when I played Fepel, then again when I played Grusken... and at least once or twice while playing Ghent.

Nothing new.

Author:  Achernar [ Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:32 am ]
Post subject: 

I think its a great leveling area, but the additional challenge of bounty NPCs makes it useless. Its hard enough to get inside the place, without the bounty NPCs.


Author:  Konge [ Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:35 am ]
Post subject: 

There's a lot of places where it makes no sense that bounty NPCs spawn (Extremely hostile imperial islands come to mind, along with the ocean of course)

Author:  Fepel Veiled [ Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Imperials own everything. 1/2 the damned ocean is flagged as Imperial.

Author:  Dulrik [ Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

In general, any area that is inside a kingdom's boundaries is justified in being flagged for that kingdoms laws. Just because bounty NPCs can spawn there doesn't necessarily mean that any of the NPCs will (or can) report you for the crimes you commit there, so if you have a clean slate, it should not normally affect your levelling progression.

However if there is an area that is controlled by forces hostile to the government of that kingdom, you would certainly be free to report that as a possible bug. Likewise if an area is flagged that doesn't seem to be within the commonly defined borders of the kingdom (far off tropical islands being empire), then that too could be a bug. It is the Kingdom Director's decision whether to change these areas in response to a bug report. If they need my help, they will contact me.

Author:  Muktar [ Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Then this is my next question regarding it. Who is the Zhenshi KD? So that I could PM and ask about it. Because I could come up with a litany of places that makes much more sense to have spawning NPCs but don't (Ie Fort Tethos). I am curious more on the what the justification is then.

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