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 Post subject: Odd taunt affect
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:38 pm 
Mortal Contributor

Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:50 pm
Posts: 789
Location: UK
SK Character: That'd be telling
The gate guard misses a midnight-blue atyrros.
Your methodical attack breaks down as the gate guard taunts you.
You dodge the gate guard's attack.
You dodge the gate guard's attack.
A midnight-blue atyrros charges the gate guard's stomach. ENTRAILS fall to the ground!
You slash at the gate guard's stomach. ENTRAILS fall to the ground!
You slash at the gate guard's stomach. ENTRAILS fall to the ground!
The gate guard is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
You slash the gate guard's stomach, ripping a gaping hole in his stomach!
The gate guard is DEAD!!
You hear the gate guard's death cry.
You get 5 gold coins from a corpse of the gate guard.
You get 8 copper coins from a corpse of the gate guard.
You junk a corpse of the gate guard.
Just keep it all.
[HP: 99%] [ME: 48%] [PE: 79%]
> c 'word of recall'
You start to concentrate.
[HP: 99%] [ME: 48%] [PE: 79%]
> e

You utter the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'. <<recalled here

A circle of stones
Amid the amber fields of Taslamar, this small clearing is
\py home to the reknown portal stones, of which several scatter the
f*- realms. Brave souls have been known to utilize the arcane power
ffy that is bound to the stones, travelling to far lands in the blink
of an eye. At almost opposite sides of the clearing, two roads
meander away. It's raining lightly, cool, and very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
A set of rune-inscribed stones frame the center of the clearing here.
(Grey Aura) A Taslamaran courser is here, chewing impatiently on his bit.
A midnight-blue atyrros appears in the room.
[HP: 99%] [ME: 43%] [PE: 36%]
> You ride a midnight-blue atyrros east.<<walked here>>

A Narrow Trail
This small road cuts its way through the lush wilderness of
pyy Taslamar. The trail is narrow and is barely wide enough for a
?*\ wagon to pass from the city of Exile to the lake town. Packed
fyy earth makes up the foundation of this road causing the travelers
to often kick up clouds of dust in their wake. It's raining
lightly, cool, and very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
(Charmed) (White Aura) A midnight-blue atyrros is flying here mounted by you.
(Grey Aura) A bandit is hiding here.
(Grey Aura) A snake is here.
[HP: 99%] [ME: 43%] [PE: 36%]
> e
Not until you finish off that smart aleck.<<Then this>>
[HP: 99%] [ME: 43%] [PE: 36%]
> aff

o [Affects] Wortsenawl Knight of Truth, Justicar of the Guard. o
o Affect: 'taunt' - morale bonus to weapon damage o
o Affect: 'taunt' - morale bonus to probability to hit o
o Affect: 'taunt' - penalty to intelligence o
o Affect: 'protection' o
o Affect: 'detect aura' o
[HP: 99%] [ME: 43%] [PE: 36%]

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:39 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:36 pm
Posts: 521
You have bipolar disorder.

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