Shattered Kingdoms

NPC reach
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Author:  Amadeo [ Wed May 16, 2007 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  NPC reach

A long-tailed possum was about to attack you, but your sanctuary stopped it.
[100%] [ 74%] [ 96%] [12am/Frost Giant/9/937]info

Group: >< >< ><
(11:F1) [------------] (12:F2) [------------] (13:F3) [ a bull]
(21:M1) [------------] (22:M2) [------------] (23:M3) [ Draconess]
(31:B1) [------------] (32:B2) [------------] (33:B3) [ Amadeo]
Characters Rank Pos In room Follow HP ME PE
Draconess Leader 23:M3 Yes No 93% 92% 85%
Amadeo Member 33:B3 Yes Yes 100% 74% 96%
A bull Member 13:F3 Yes Yes 100% 100% 100%

It tried beating on me several times actually. That's some reach there...?

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Wed May 16, 2007 4:06 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm pretty sure it checks vs. sanctuary before it checks vs. group position. It may have tried to attack you, but I'm positive you never took even a single hit from it.

Author:  juggernaut [ Wed May 16, 2007 4:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Yup, that's the message you get; the NPC tried to attack *you*, if your sanctuary hadn't stoped it, it would have fought its way to kill you, attacking whoever stands before you first. Thus, it's completely correct, even technically.

Author:  Amadeo [ Wed May 16, 2007 5:15 am ]
Post subject: 

ObjectivistActivist wrote:
I'm pretty sure it checks vs. sanctuary before it checks vs. group position. It may have tried to attack you, but I'm positive you never took even a single hit from it.

True. But I guess it would make more sense to check the position first. Would save on quite a bit of spam actually.

Also, if what you're saying is true, effectively MY sanc from the third row was as affective as it would have been upon the guy in the front row. Makes no sense.

Author:  juggernaut [ Wed May 16, 2007 5:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Amadeo wrote:
ObjectivistActivist wrote:
I'm pretty sure it checks vs. sanctuary before it checks vs. group position. It may have tried to attack you, but I'm positive you never took even a single hit from it.

True. But I guess it would make more sense to check the position first. Would save on quite a bit of spam actually.

Also, if what you're saying is true, effectively MY sanc from the third row was as affective as it would have been upon the guy in the front row. Makes no sense.

It DOES make sense. Possums decide randomly (I think) whom of the group's PCs to attack. It decided to attack *you*, thus, your sanctuary stopped it. In a PC fight, no PC would decide to attack *you*, knowing you stand ie: behind a merc. He would attack the merc, so no sanctuary would stop him. It's simple and logical.

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Wed May 16, 2007 5:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Amadeo wrote:
True. But I guess it would make more sense to check the position first. Would save on quite a bit of spam actually.

Also, if what you're saying is true, effectively MY sanc from the third row was as affective as it would have been upon the guy in the front row. Makes no sense.

Your sanc from third row was only as effective as it would have been on the NPC in the front row because you were targeted. It also was not effective in reducing damage on the people in front of you taking hits, so no, it's not as effective, just as preventative assuming you are the first one targeted.

And, as Juggernaut said, it's only because the NPC AI randomly selected you of the two PCs in the group to attack. Had it selected the person you were with instead, it would have immediately started attacking the tame.

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