Shattered Kingdoms

Leadership NPCs and rifts
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Author:  silmar [ Tue May 29, 2007 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Leadership NPCs and rifts

I recently had a law NPC traveling with me there was a rift at the stone so I went into it. I ended up in a place with two rifts. One to Teron one back to where I came from. The Teron rift was 1.rift home was 2.rift. The law NPC after leaving my group cycled between Teron and other nation for as long as I watched.

Author:  Benzo Balrog [ Tue May 29, 2007 3:45 am ]
Post subject: 

This always happens when you lose a law NPC in a foreign country and the 1.rift doesn't lead home. Sending another rift from your lands will fix the problem (or, I guess, a gate?).

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