Shattered Kingdoms

Village of Chibunei in Land of Zhenshi.
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Author:  NativePuff [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Village of Chibunei in Land of Zhenshi.

A toothless old geezer is DEAD!!

A wary female human is DEAD!!

Thinking back, you remember witnessing the following crimes...

A lithesome female villager is DEAD!!

Thinking back, you remember witnessing the following crimes...

1. *Attempted mugging of a lithesome female villager by you in Zhenshi.

Mean, bad code. It is protecting only the rich and letting the weak be killed. What is this the Empire?

But really, I found that slightly odd. You can kill the poor without a chance of a crime being reported but you get crimes for killing the rich.

Author:  Summ97 [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Leveling Area.

Should be kept no law. The talons do a good enough job of patrolling it.

Author:  thunder [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:18 am ]
Post subject: 

The crimes you commit personally don't show up in your outlaw memory.

I would guess that you were traveling with a pet on mode stun, and you 'witnessed' its assault and battery on the lithesome villager. Since characters are held responsible for the actions of their charms, it showed up as a crime by you.

Author:  NativePuff [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I had a pet. For some of the battles I was behind him fighting and others I was next to him. He was mode stun the whole time. My log is really bad this time for some reason or I'd post more of it.

He and I were fighting side by side so he was hitting the wary women, the ragged men, the toothless geezers and I wasn't getting outlaw memories for it.

No outlaw memories showed up until I fought side by side with my pet against the rich citizens. the chatties, the pretties, the stalwarts, and the other.

The law isn't being applied evenly for some reason.

Author:  Malhavoc [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

thunder wrote:
The crimes you commit personally don't show up in your outlaw memory.

I would guess that you were traveling with a pet on mode stun, and you 'witnessed' its assault and battery on the lithesome villager. Since characters are held responsible for the actions of their charms, it showed up as a crime by you.

Wrong. I train in a few places alone and can still see my crimes. sometimes not buy most of them yes.

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