Fepel Veiled wrote:
This has been bug logged on more than one occassion, I felt it needed more light shed upon it.
I can be pretty meticulous about reading through bug, typo, and idea logs. So I wonder how I missed this "on more than one occasion," until the most recent one Gremlin24 refers to... and another, somewhat vague one logged by a player in a completely different area that now suddenly makes sense in context. Were you simply referring to what he says in his own post below, perhaps?
alvarro wrote:
Personally I think exploiting what obviously is a bug should bring penalty right away.
Again, the first time I saw a specific bug log I was able to trace to the problem in question came from the player of a CoN member, on the very same day that Fepel started this thread. Which to me doesn't look make it look very much like the CoN are blatantly abusing the situation. Nevertheless, I do think it's something that should be looked into, and the bug report has been forwarded to the Northern Wastes' KD.