Shattered Kingdoms

Auto skills increasing while dead
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Author:  ceege [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Auto skills increasing while dead

The current sweeps you to a far-off shore.
You have become better at fast healing!

I thought that was funny.

I learned to heal myself better while dead in the River.

Author:  teh1337n00b [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is no news.
It has been happening since (at least) 1999 or even before that (though I wouldn't know).

In truth, auto skills check 24/7 for possibility to improve. They don't check if you're dead or not because nobody possibly went into the trouble to split categories. Normally, you should improve at trance when dead, but not fast healing is what you're saying. This takes categorizing and work, and I honestly don't see it -all that- important in regards to what else could be done in this time.

My 2 cents is that, it's not all that important.

Author:  Morovik [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Actually fast healing fires all to often when at the river. Probably because its one of these times when your HP is zero and you get an improvement check every time.
I would not mind leaving it be. Its like a cruel joke sometimes but its also some sort of compensation.

Author:  One Valiant Truth [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:39 am ]
Post subject: 

I like the fact that it happens.

I mean, being dead is boring already.

Despite the crazy awesome improvements to the death system, death is still boring.

When you, over the years, get that random improve to meditation, endurance, or fast healing...

Really...thats IC stuff.

Fast healing maybe not so much, but how can you deny that spending enough time in the afterlife wouldn't prove you have some endurance or prove that you can actually sit there and meditate? Heh?

Stop the QQ.

Author:  ilkaisha [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:04 am ]
Post subject: 

And you can improve on your languages. ;)

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