I lure guards and camouflage, they look around then yawns at me...
(HP: 92%) (MP: 96%) (MV: 99%) 1am zero
A council necromancer peers around himself intently.
(HP: 92%) (MP: 96%) (MV: 99%) 1am zero
It's mild out today.
(HP: 99%) (MP:100%) (MV:100%) 1am zero
A council necromancer peers around himself intently.
(HP: 99%) (MP:100%) (MV:100%) 2am zero
A council necromancer peers around himself intently.
(HP: 99%) (MP:100%) (MV:100%) 2am zero
>You yawn as you think of him.
A council necromancer yawns while listening to you, showing you what he thinks.
(HP: 99%) (MP:100%) (MV:100%) 2am zero