Shattered Kingdoms

Bugged stave
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Author:  Lakir [ Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Bugged stave

> brandish terje
You brandish XXXXX.
A magical rift suddenly appears out of nowhere.
XXXXX blazes bright and is gone.

[HP: 51%] [ME: 12%] [PE:100%]
> rift
Better stand up first.

[HP: 51%] [ME: 12%] [PE:100%]
> sta
You stand up.

[HP: 51%] [ME: 12%] [PE:100%]
> rift

A Sandy Beach
yb~~~~~~~ You are standing on the coarse wet sand of a beach. Some
yybb~~~~~ thick grass grows above the hightide mark and small bits of
yyyy*~~~~ driftwood stick out of the sand. It's partly cloudy, very hot,
yyyy~~~~~ and breezy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se rift
A magical rift is glowing violently in the mid-air.
A sable-black bay destrier exits out of a magical rift.

[HP: 51%] [ME: 12%] [PE:100%]

Its not taking the argument after the brandish, can this be fixed? Or the staff made into a wand so it will work?

Author:  Edoras [ Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Staves never take arguments, if I recall correctly.

But I may be wrong.

Author:  Dark-Avenger [ Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Staves don't take arguments.

Still this staff has some good uses. Think about it and use it. ;)

Author:  Lakir [ Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I could see how it would still be useful if I was a different class, or playing my other character.

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