Shattered Kingdoms

Outlaw memory bug?
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Author:  evilpiggies666 [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Outlaw memory bug?

I noticed a log of a certain two hammer members, one telling the other of someone bringing undead into Exile so the other came to investigate. Said hammer member kept typing who to view the who list and hadn't had the *necromancer* greeted yet somehow ICly said his name over cabal chat, and then when the other hammer guy killed him he typed outlaw memory and it said the name of the necro they killed.

Isn't this considered a bug and a poor way to achieve anothers name in the future? Granted it's not how they got his name, ICly I've no clue how they couldn't have knew his name without OOCly use yet they did.

Author:  Achernar [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm not sure what the bug is here.

Author:  Carita [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:26 am ]
Post subject: 

What about Bob?

Hammer1 - reading who list, doesn't have Necro Bob greeted.
Hammer2 - knew from outlaw memory name of Bob. (I assume that's IC information, the authorities knew Bob.)
Hammer1 - said Bob was who they were hunting (vaugely ooc, as Bob was not greeted, but was sensed showing up ont the who list)
Hammer2 - confirms Bob because at the same time Bob's popping up on the outlaw memory list.

Had the outlaw system not 'told' Hammer2 Bob's name was Bob, when Hammer1 used his OOC method (Sorry, Bob was NOT greeted) to say 'It's BOB!' then Hammer2 could not have confirmed. I think this is the bug piggletoes is making a claim for.

I do not see this as a bug. Hammer2 knew who Bob was, as intended. Hammer1 was using game mechanics to get his information. The only way I'd see around this is to somehow disconnect who is online from the outlaw list, and list all outlaws regardless of online status.

Author:  Lakir [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Necromancers have a habit of building a reputation very quickly and there name spreads ICly even without greets. As to whether the law system should or shouldn't give out names well thats a call for Dulrik I guess.

Author:  Carita [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Lakir wrote:
Necromancers have a habit of building a reputation very quickly and there name spreads ICly even without greets. As to whether the law system should or shouldn't give out names well thats a call for Dulrik I guess.

I ammend then:

Hammer1 could have known Bob by his reputation alone - heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another he was messing around. The fact that he popped online? Hammer1 was waiting to confirm with Hammer2 what they heard=match for who was wanted.

Not exactly a bug nor any sort of OOC dinkery then.

Author:  evilpiggies666 [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Carita wrote:
Hammer1 could have known Bob by his reputation alone - heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another he was messing around. The fact that he popped online? Hammer1 was waiting to confirm with Hammer2 what they heard=match for who was wanted.

You listen to too much music :D

Author:  Demon [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

outlaw memory gives away their name regardless of you knowing it.

Author:  Ain (2012) [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

So, you can't know who someone is that you've never met by a wanted poster? A picture on a milk carton or in the post office, and then when you see the person walk by you can't go "Hey, that's the guy on the milk carton!!!"

I don't buy that.

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