Shattered Kingdoms

a few basic bugs
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Author:  ladyjennbo [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  a few basic bugs

I'm not sure if I believe in "bug" logging, because I don't know if anyone checks it or anything, so here goes:

Along the Northern Wall
The grass here has been well-trodden. A tall, imposing wall rises to the
north. Small batches of wildflowers and weeds can be seen growing here and
there. Signs of holes made by rabbits and moles can be seen here and there.
It's mostly clear, very hot, and breezy.
Obvious exits: n(wall) e s w sw se
(Dark Aura) A mage wanders wanders about in the field, relaxing.
A nightling soars in from the west.

[HP:100%] [ME: 39%] [PE: 99%]
> You do not see that here.

[HP:100%] [ME: 39%] [PE: 99%]
A fire elemental grins secretively at you.

Looking from another room, I'd see a fire elemental too.

Also, might I mention the "aa" giants and "aa" children of Ch'zzrym.

Author:  Syndal [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, I think I know what's going on in that snippet. Someone attacked the mage, it poly'd into a fire elemental, and their weapon probably stopped hurting it so they ran. And the thing's short desc isn't like race based or anything it's just set to say "A mage...etc", which reminds me of the sorc guards in the Moot. If they poly while in a fight and then you order them to release it, instead of being "A lithe female council-guard" or wtfever, it just says "A human is here".

Basically, NPCs using polymorph is broken, and the spell should just be removed from all NPC spell-sets, or just script them all to only poly into a fire elemental(since that could be the only ~useful~ application of the spell I could imagine for a NPC).

Author:  Viltrax [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: a few basic bugs

ladyjennbo wrote:
I'm not sure if I believe in "bug" logging, because I don't know if anyone checks it or anything, so here goes

Hmph. 11,000+ entries of which only a proportionately few are open/unassigned.

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

It gets checked, I'm sure. Whether they get addressed regularly is another question entirely.

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