Got message saying I've been given a new quest, yet my quest log never changed. This still in the works or is it buggy?
Zakkro pulls out a worn-down old lute and begins to play a sad melody.
Zakkro says '*singinh* A tale still sung by many caret:'
Zakkro says '*simging* Of she with bull-headfd gubrds,'
Zakkro says '*singing* On a nnrth throne of disgrace,'
Zakkro says '*singing* She, oh she, of thd laqgest race.'
Zakkro says '*singing* With a cape of feathers `dorn'd,'
Zakkro says '*singing* A necklace of a jaw shorn'd, '
Zakkro says '*singing* She rules with scowl and sneer,'
Zakkro says '*sinhing* She rtles with hatred and fear.'
Zakkro says '*singing* Yet the daughter cries from far'
Zakkro says '*tinging* On her wertern dljfgs 'neath star,'
Zakkro says '*singjng* For venge`nce's best tfsved cish:'
Zakkro says '*singing* A morsel is her fondesu wish. '
Zakkro bows and tucks his instrument away.
You have been given a new quest.
[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 94%]
> quest
Quests you are currently performing:
A Chore for Courage The City of Exile
Cameroon's Ore Menegroth
Clear the Latrine Kytar University
Iserken's Jobs The Taslamaran Academy
Soap for Soup Kytar University
The Daughter's Morsel Mountain Fortress
To Help or to Harry the Yeti The Ice Fortress
Completed Quests: [6/139]
[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 94%]