An armored male dwarf exclaims 'Halt, lawbreaker!'
An armored male dwarf says 'I will now carry out your sentence.'
An armored male dwarf says 'For the attempted mugging of Aelo:'
An armored male dwarf says ' imprisonment.'
An armored male dwarf says 'For the assault and battery on Aelo:'
An armored male dwarf says ' imprisonment and a monetary fine.'
An armored male dwarf confiscates all of your carried wealth.
An armored male dwarf says 'For the attempted mugging of Aelo:'
An armored male dwarf says ' imprisonment.'
An armored male dwarf says 'For the murder of Aelo:'
An armored male dwarf says ' imprisonment and confiscation of all wealth and confiscation of all equipment.'
An armored male dwarf confiscates all of your wealth, including from the bank.
An armored male dwarf confiscates all of your equipment.
An armored male dwarf says 'For the murder of Aelo:'
An armored male dwarf says ' imprisonment and confiscation of all wealth and confiscation of all equipment.'
An armored male dwarf confiscates all of your wealth, including from the bank.
An armored male dwarf confiscates all of your equipment.
An armored male dwarf says 'For the assault and battery on Aelo:'
An armored male dwarf says ' imprisonment and a monetary fine.'
An armored male dwarf confiscates all of your carried wealth.
An armored male dwarf says 'Your prison sentence is 6 days and 0 hours.'
An armored male dwarf escorts you off to your new prison cell.
So yeah, first off the auto surrender bug got me. I've never even toggled it onand it's default is off. Secondly, it seems i got sentenced TWICE for each one. Basically I was on mode stun when I attacked hte person and hit him again before I switched to mode kill and finished him off.
Can someone explain to me what just happened there?