Shattered Kingdoms

Magic Drain...
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Author:  Charlye [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Magic Drain...

[HP:100%] [ME: 51%] [PE:100%]
You are too exhausted to maintain armor.
You feel less protected.
You are too exhausted to maintain bless.
You feel less righteous.

[HP:100%] [ME: 1%] [PE:100%]

Ok.. apprentice level healer... just training on spiders and such.. and wammo....

any theories?

Author:  evena [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:07 am ]
Post subject: 

There's a bug causing it, being discussed in the "Recent Crash" thread.

Author:  grep [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:13 am ]
Post subject: 

You are not alone.

Bizarro Alshain wrote:
Swarming like lokusts akross generations. You disgust me. The world was on the brink of that ever-elusive 'time kompression'. Insolent fools! Your vain krusade ends here, SeeKers. The price for your meddling is death beyond death. I shall send you to a dimension beyond your imagining. There, I will reign, and you will be my slaves for eternity. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Everything time-related is currently messed up in some form. Durations are shortened, costs are increased... it is as if the game is currently experiencing one massive bug.


I have heard a rumor that the God, Alshain, wants to collapse time in order to contact an Alshain in the past who has the power to send him even further back into the past to achieve TIME COMPRESSION and recreate the world in his image.

Author:  mundufisen [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:17 am ]
Post subject: 

o o
O Congratulations, you are currently a Paragon. O
o o
o You have been awarded this title based on the superlative o
o roleplaying you have displayed before others. It is now o
o your duty to help reward others for excellent play. This o
o position is held for one month and may be extended if you o
o use the power and continue with excellent roleplay. o
o o
o Paragon is not a reward so much as it is a job. If you o
o do not wish to do the work, you may ask an immortal to o
o remove your position. Using the power means you accept o
o the task. Abusing the power will result in judgement. o
o o
o The following help files are required reading: o
o o

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Welcome to Shattered Kingdoms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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%- Shattered Kingdoms is a MUD where role-playing is emphasized. Player- %
% killing is allowed based on roleplay. MULTIPLAYING IS FORBIDDEN! %
%- All players are required to read and understand HELP RULES and all %
% entries listed under 'See Also' at the bottom of them. %
%- New players should start by reading HELP NEWBIE and by reading all %
% of the tutorials in each of the starting areas for new characters. %
%- The Shattered Kingdoms website has all our help files online plus %
% forums you can join: %
%- Each character must have an adjective and detailed description by the %
% the time they are Novice status; see HELP DESCRIPTION for more info. %
%- Characters with more than 30 days of inactivity may be deleted %
% without notice. Storage characters will be castrated. %
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% Message of the Day (MOTD) Last Updated: 12 Oct 2009 %
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Welcome to Shattered Kingdoms.

The Teronian Temple Belltower
A winding staircase spirals up the walls of this enormous tower. Easily
six or seven spans across, the tower's width is hardly compromised by the
wide staircase which could easily accomodate a pair of men walking up the
stairs simultaneously. Hanging from overhead and continuing on downward is
a thick rope, centered perfectly in the middle of the tower. All along the
stairway are situated thick stained glass windows of purple and red which
compliment the thick red carpet padding the stairway.
Suspended from the ceiling of the tower, high overhead, is a polished
bronze bell of enormous size. Here, the windows of the tower seem able to
open and are positioned at the eight major compass points in the tower.
It's mostly clear, warm, and breezy.
Obvious exits: n(barred window) e(barred window) s(barred window)
w(barred window) d nw(barred window) ne(barred window) sw(barred window)
se(barred window)
You are here.
You are here.
You are here.
You are here.
You are here.
A thick-maned lion has entered the realms.

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE:100%]

[PAR Sor] [None] Jaeyd Karmazyk - Greatest Magician, Professor
[Gia Mer] Raku.
[--- ---] Jydel.
[Gno Pri] Wildun - Vicar of the Unknown
[--- ---] Vilna.
[--- ---] Ghulmath of Uth'Kull

Players found: 6

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE:100%]
Beyrtl Hangribs yells 'Rocks! Get yer rocks! Rocks of all shapes and sizes!'
You are too exhausted to maintain shield.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.
You are too exhausted to maintain mirror image.
Your images fade away.
It's mild out today.

[HP:100%] [ME: 0%] [PE:100%]

Le sigh. :(

Author:  TheCannibal [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:04 am ]
Post subject: 

This is clearly a Global RP set up by Mira.

Author:  medif [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:05 am ]
Post subject: 

[HP: 85%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 99%]
You are hungry.
It's hot out here.

[HP: 86%] [ME: 35%] [PE:100%]
> release
o # Spell Casted On Concentration o
o 1 death shroud Yourself light o

I must be really hungry

Author:  teh1337n00b [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:34 am ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Le Petit Prince [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hungry hungry necros.

Author:  h0l09ram [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

How long is mana gonna dissapear at random?

Author:  Viltrax [ Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

The bug was fixed a while back.

The insults have been removed from the thread - please obey the forum rules, or your ID will be suspended or if necessary deleted.

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