An armored male dwarf exclaims 'Halt, lawbreaker!'
An armored male dwarf says 'I will now carry out your sentence.'
An armored male dwarf says 'For the assault and battery on a centaur cityguard: imprisonment and a monetary fine.'
An armored male dwarf frowns.
An armored male dwarf says 'For the murder of Toji: imprisonment and a levy from the bank and major confiscation of personal property.'
An armored male dwarf levies part of your wealth from the bank.
An armored male dwarf frowns.
An armored male dwarf says 'For the murder of Toji: imprisonment and a levy from the bank and major confiscation of personal property.'
An armored male dwarf levies part of your wealth from the bank.
An armored male dwarf frowns.
An armored male dwarf says 'You're too poor to pay full restitution, so you'll get some extra cell time.'
An armored male dwarf says 'Your prison sentence is 7 days and 12 hours.'
An armored male dwarf escorts you off to your new prison cell.
Because sitting in jail is so fun we should be able to be reported TWICE, or more times for the same crime. Seriously, fix this.
I actually see this happening A LOT lately, that crimes are just going down twice, or more times.