Shattered Kingdoms

Cure Blindness wrong message
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Author:  Revenger [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Cure Blindness wrong message

You utter the words, 'judicandus noselacri'.
Spell failed.
You aren't blind.

[HP: 79%] [ME: 15%] [PE: 87%] [8 platinum, 8 gold, 5 silver, 7 copper] [Darkness]
You can't see a thing!

[HP: 79%] [ME: 15%] [PE: 87%] [8 platinum, 8 gold, 5 silver, 7 copper] [Darkness]
You start to concentrate.

[HP: 79%] [ME: 15%] [PE: 87%] [8 platinum, 8 gold, 5 silver, 7 copper] [Darkness]
You utter the words, 'judicandus noselacri'.
You can see again.
You aren't blind.

Same with pet:
You utter the words, 'judicandus noselacri'.
Spell failed.
A midnight-blue atyrros doesn't appear to be blinded.

You utter the words, 'judicandus noselacri'.
A midnight-blue atyrros is no longer blinded.
A midnight-blue atyrros doesn't appear to be blinded.

Author:  WickedWitch [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cure Blindness wrong message

Not a bug. It's a side affect of color spray being on the fast affect system and its own affect (and not just inflicting full blindness anymore), yet still being curable.

First check is for blindness, second is for color spray.

The spell fail is just a level thing I'd imagine.

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