Shattered Kingdoms

Message for slumping out of saddle.
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Author:  Edoras [ Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Message for slumping out of saddle.

This occurred in the middle of a combat round. I presume that it's from the mount changes?

The message for someone slumping out of a saddle as they die seems to be kind of messed up.
A smooth wooden hunting bow falls off from a sprite scout.
Skillfully, A shadowy wight stabs a sprite scout's left arm, slicing it off!
 <@@@@@@> oa sprite scout slumps out of a glowing fae-rin's saddle.
A shadowy wight stabs a sprite scout's chest.  A sprite scout falls on his knees and collapses.
A sprite scout is DEAD!!
You hear a sprite scout's death cry.
A shadowy wight dodges a glowing fae-rin's attack.

Author:  Dulrik [ Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Message for slumping out of saddle.

Thanks. That typo will be fixed by next update.

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