Shattered Kingdoms

The everchanging symbol of Algorab
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Author:  Montarion [ Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  The everchanging symbol of Algorab

Maloth is using:
<worn on finger> a Ward ring (superb)
<worn on finger> a violet band (superb)
<worn around neck> (Sacred) a necklace of raven claws (brand new)
<worn around neck> (Sacred) a dark amulet set with a simple orb (brand new)
<worn as symbol> a tiny green and red snake
<worn on body> an adamantite breastplate interwoven with cold flames (brand new)
<worn on head> an adamantite great helm interwoven with cold flames (brand new)
<worn on legs> some etched chausses and shynbalds (brand new)
<worn on feet> thick boots with etched plating (brand new)
<worn on hands> a pair of diamond gauntlets engraved with a rose (brand new)
<worn on arms> (Dim) a tiny black raven (brand new)
<worn about body> a diamond-studded cloak (brand new)
<worn about waist> a wide belt of etched plates (brand new)
<worn around wrist> a silver bracelet with sky-blue beads (average)
<worn around wrist> a violet armband (very good)
<right hand> an ancient bastard sword, etched with flames (brand new)
<left hand> a midnight shield (brand new)

I think this is an old issue. Symbol on the arms. It stays as a symbol when removed and re-worn.

Author:  Teh_Peso [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The everchanging symbol of Algorab

Maybe he just wants to be a pirate-esque hellions.


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