Meissa wrote:
You get xp from dealing damage to NPCs. The NPC vnum and the collective damage dealt are how familiarity is determined, which is why you get familiar faster in areas within your range where you're doing more damage to NPCs (near the end of your rank).
It stopped bothering me pretty quickly when I realized that I could easily avoid dangerous areas by summoning bad guys out and still learning in their area. The door swings both ways.
For the record, it was never changed so that familiarity is based on NPCs; it has always been this way.
I think you've missed my point.. What I'm saying is that vnums don't necessarily have to have any impact on anything.
Maybe something like:
(NPC level / your level) + (current area you're occupying familiarity factor) * (xp awarding action maths)
(NPC level / your level) + (NPC vnum crossreferenced to an area to determine area familiarity factor) * (xp awarding action maths)