Shattered Kingdoms

lies in the newbie area
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Author:  medif [ Wed May 06, 2015 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  lies in the newbie area

(HP:100%) (MP:100%) (MV:100%)10pm The Training Hall for All -- The Room of Substantial Challenge 6 platinum, 4 gold
>take iron
You get a club of iron.

(HP:100%) (MP:100%) (MV:100%)1am The Training Hall for All -- The Room of Substantial Challenge 6 platinum, 4 gold
>l club
This sturdy weapon looks like it could create a lot of damage in the
right hands. It is rusted at one end. No, wait, no. It's blood. Not
rust--blood. My mistake.

This club is a medium-sized mace made of stone.

is it possible to change it back to iron?

Author:  Travorn [ Wed May 06, 2015 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: lies in the newbie area

You just need to typo it in game with a brief explanation of where you found it, what is wrong and what you think it should be.

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