Shattered Kingdoms

ethereal bug or....feature?
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Author:  cubanoh [ Sun May 24, 2015 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  ethereal bug or....feature?

Shouldn't arrows or anything fired at an ethereal target pass through them like the message says? They should land on the ground not their inventory.

A silver-tipped barbed arrow streaks into you from the southwest!
An elven canopy archer's attack passes right through you.
A silver-tipped barbed arrow streaks into you from the southwest!
An elven canopy archer's attack passes right through you.
A silver-tipped barbed arrow streaks into you from the southwest!
An elven canopy archer's attack passes right through you.

[HP:100%] [ME: 63%] [PE: 83%]
> e
You walk east.

Selkwood Forest
           The forest becomes dense here, the gnarled trees looming high,
    ?ff    with branches as thick as the arms of giants, and trunks large
    F*F    enough to house a family if hollowed.  Deep, soft shadows cloak
    fFf    the woods, and high above the canopy is so dense, it is
           impossible to see the sky.  A cool wind rustles the oval-shaped
leaves, filling the air with a perpetual, insistent whisper.  The ground is
covered with twigs and cones, and strong scents of decaying leaves and moss
permeate the area.   It's clear, hot, and there is absolutely no wind. 
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
     A nest, carefully made of tiny twigs, is built into the ground.
Linnel walks in from the west.

[HP:100%] [ME: 63%] [PE: 83%]
> inv
You are carrying:
( 3) a silver-tipped barbed arrow (superb)
     6 copper coins
     21 silver coins
     51 gold coins

Author:  Nashira-2016 [ Thu May 28, 2015 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ethereal bug or....feature?

I'd go ahead and bug log this in-game.

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