Shattered Kingdoms

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 Post subject: Swashie Things
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:18 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:45 am
Posts: 203
I have just been taking note of weird swashie things recently. But I am not sure if it is a bug or is just part of being the class.
(I don't have logs but I can get them easily enough because of the frequency of the happenings)

First off: When a swashie isn't the aggressor in a group fight. The first round of combat, the swashie(s) only get one swing of their main hand while others get their full attacks. Doesn't seem to be affected by weapons speed. They just get one swing.

Second: I have recently switched up my weapons and now my attacks seems wildly inconsistent in number.
Example: I am using Straight dagger/Rapier, and I don't get my full attacks most of the time, Aggressive or wolverine. And The straight dagger has 2 speed runes on it. It really seems like I am failing my dual wielding skill a lot now, or my wolverine/second attack with this combo.
I have gone through a whole combats with only using my main hand and not my off-hand. I have mastered all the skills associated with combat.

Anyone have any more insight on swashies?

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 Post subject: Re: Swashie Things
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:20 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:14 pm
Posts: 358
Swashbuckler attacks do seem oddly inconsistent. I've seen a swashy dual wielding sickles (plenty fast) mastered at their corresponding attack skills and only getting 3 swings in wolverine stance (only one hand attacking). Same goes for Volgacks. Attacks could be anywhere between 2 and 6 in a round and they are not consistent, that has been with all attack skills mastered. It is like the character somehow fails their 'dual wield' skill check or second attack check every few rounds.

A second bug regarding the swashbuckler is hedgehog stance. If a swashbuckler in hedgehog is fighting a PC who dies (through whatever means) the fight does not complete. The swashy and dead PC are still "in combat" and you can see the swashy is "here fighting someone" with spirit sight you'll see the ghost "here fighting swashy" with no attacks or anything taking place. If the PC is then resurrected on the spot, he/she will immediately attack the swashbuckler (and promptly die again).

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